Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Season For Nonviolence

Carry The Vision of Peace

A Season for Nonviolence, a national 64-day campaign committed to demonstrating that nonviolence works, begins this Sunday.

The campaign, which begins January 30 and ends on April 4, was inspired by the 50th and 30th memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The international event honors the vision of individuals like these two and many others who have been pioneers in the nonviolent movement.

Both Gandhi and King, who both acknowledged being influenced by the teachings of Jesus, demonstrated in their movements the power of nonviolence to heal, transform and empower lives and communities. The El Dorado Peace and Justice Community has created a brochure that has a thought for each day of the campaign to help individuals reflect on living peace. The brochure is called 64 Ways in 64 Days, Daily Commitments to Live By. To check it out click here.

I will be writing a weekly reflection during the campaign on this blog on the major themes highlighted in the brochure. Feel free to read them and be inspired to be a peacemaker. I encourage you to be a part of this campaign. To read the first weekly reflection click here.

To see a video on the history of A Season for Nonviolence click here.


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