Thursday, April 26, 2007

Feature Photo 4/26/07

CAPTION: "Photo courtesy"

Welcome to Harmony of the Heart! The blog where you can get your dose of inspiration for the week. Feel free to check out the inspirational stories, articles, poems, photos, great links and more!

For those of you who are new, every once in a while we post the Feature Photo, a cool or beautiful photo for everyone to view. To view all of the other feature photos we have posted at Harmony of the Heart simply click here.


Anonymous said...

Your writings are just so special. I have added your link to my blog and look forward to many more visits, with best wishes, The Artist

Eddie Zacapa said...

Thanks for the affirming words. It is always encouraging for me to hear feedback from others. I really enjoyed viewing your art on your website. It really met my need to see beauty and creativity.