Thursday, October 18, 2007

Animal Stuff

CAPTION: "Photo Courtesy of Farmgirl Fare." To view this photo at Farmgirl Fare click here.

This section, Animal Stuff, will be a place where you can find information on anything related to animals. All the posts on Harmony of the Heart that are related to animals will be found here. This is also a great place to share interesting animal facts, information and links with kids, family and your friends. Make sure to check out the posts below:

Baby Skunks - Two photos of baby skunks.

Beluga Whale Blows Bubbles - Links to where you can see a Beluga whale blow bubbles. Also links to get more information on Beluga whales.

Elephant Talk - An article on how elephants communicate with one another.

Giant Pandas - Links to photos and information on giant pandas.

Polar Bears - Links to photos of polar bears and a link to an article on how climate change may affect polar bears habitats.

The Penguin Post - A post where you can find links to get information on penguins and view live penguins on a video camera at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Raising Small Souls - A link to a movie that not only parents will identify with but that everyone can identify with. It is about a story of animals that represent different little persons (children) who attend a school called "Animal School." It addresses the different types of children and the obstacles that they face in school and how they end up coping.

A Hummingbird's Flight - A beautiful poem about a hummingbird.

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