Monday, July 06, 2009

Children’s Art is Good for the Soul

PHOTO CAPTION: My son Andrew's drawing of a green turtle.

For father’s day my son Andrew, 6, drew me a turtle. It was his present to me. On the right hand side of the drawing was his writing. It read (in his misspelled words), “Daddy I know your favorite color is green.”

Of all the presents I received that day that was the most special one. I understood that he took his time to write the message and thought about what to draw. I love turtles and the color green. My son knew that and offered me his best drawing that he could muster that incorporated these things.

But the best part was to see the eager and excited look on his face as I opened up his present. He was so eager to see my reaction, expecting me to be so impressed. And when I did open it up and was deeply touched, his smile was precious. From ear to ear he smiled proudly.

May we never take for granted the gifts are children offer us no matter how small they may be. May we remember that children are full of goodness to share and that they are so special. And that what they touch and create is many times a reflection of their heart.

To see more of Andrew’s art click here.

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