Monday, January 17, 2011

M.O.R.E's Most Inspirational Project of the Year Award

I was humbled when I was given this award. I thought I would share this here because this is what this site is about. I also thought some of my friends, family and blog followers would want to know. I am grateful to everyone who has supported me throughout the years and has been a part of my success. This article was published in The Center for Violence-Free Relationship's newsletter.

Eddie Zacapa, Program Coordinator for The Center's Positive Solutions programs, was awarded the 2010 Inspirational Project of the Year by Mother Load Rehabilitation Enterprises (M.O.R.E.). Susie Davies, Executive Director of M.O.R.E., presented the award to a very surprised Eddie at a banquet held in his honor in December.

The Center and M.O.R.E. created a partnership whereby The Center would provide Nonviolent Communication (NVC) training to M.O.R.E. clients and 35 staff members. Eddie took his Positive Solutions program on the road and provided M.O.R.E. with three - 8 week sessions of NVC training.

In her remarks to those assembled at the banquet, Ms. Davies stated that "The training was so powerful and meaningful that staff who attended the sessions did not want it to end." Ms. Davies also stated that the culture at M.O.R.E. has been transformed as well at the personal lives and relationships of those involved in the training.

"Eddie inspired all of us... and taught us how to resolve conflicts with ease... how to listen to ourselves and truly hear the needs of others...he taught us how to strengthen our personal and professional relationships and to start living to our fullest potential," remarked Ms. Davies during the award presentation ceremony. Matt Huckabay, Executive Director for The Center described Eddie as "a true "gem" in our county."

We are very proud of Eddie and the Positive Solutions Program, and hope that you'll join with us in celebrating this achievement. If you'd like more information about any of the Nonviolent Communication classes, please contact Eddie at


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