Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Some Interesting Valentine's Day Stories

Here are some Valentine's Day stories that I found on the web. There is some good stuff out there and sometimes it is good to direct readers to other blogs and sites that have inspirational posts. That's what it is all about, right? Sharing the love. Today I'm sharing the love stories.

Hope you are all having a good week!

Simple Definitions of Love
Check out these quotes of children on what they think the definition of love is. Too cute. Get ready for the warm fuzzies. Click here to see quotes.

Valentine's Day: The Reality
A cute story about sleeping on the couch and snoring on Valentine's Day. This mom gets back at her hubby in a funny way. To read the story click here.

Love Could Be Just Around The Corner
A creative Valentine's Day Card and message about love. This blogger found love just around the corner. Check out the story here.

A Trice of Life
A blogger shares how she spent Valentine's Day and some nice Valentine's Day card designs. Read post here.

PHOTO CAPTION: "Photo Courtesy"


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