Friday, April 20, 2012

Really Cool Finds 4/20/12

PHOTO CAPTION: Image above is from the National Geographic Documentary “Extraordinary Animals in the Womb.”
Hope You Are Having a Wonderful Weekend! Here are some recent finds. It has been awhile since I searched the web. Anyhow, this is what I found this week. Relax and enjoy the links!

The photo above is an amazing photo of an embryonic dolphin taken using a combination of three-dimensional ultrasound scans, computer graphics and tiny cameras. It was found on Ocean Conservation Society's facebook page and the link is here.

Too cute!
Check out these 33 animals with stuffed animals of themselves here.

An inspirational story about a tribe in Africa.

A photo of elephants playing soccer.

Cheese paintings.

A closet with a nursery.

Sir Hopsalot - an adorable bunny!

To check out past cool finds see below:
Enjoy Life
Really Cool Finds
Really Cool Finds 2


Life-Focused said...

I love this Eddie! So cool that you share such cool stuff with us all! You continue to inspire me!!
Gloria Lybecker

Eddie Zacapa said...

Thanks Gloria!