Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Way of the Warrior

The Way of the Warrior
By Eddie Zacapa 5/29/12
                         Photo by Unai_sefi.

When feeling uncomfortable the warrior remembers he is not alone.He knows that the Divine Spirit is always with him.

Like a shield the Spirit protects him from life’s blows.
Like a blanket he is comforted by His presence.

The warrior knows he needs to seek out companionship -
Loyal friends he can rely on.

He must find individuals he can trust and share his troubles with.
He needs to be a part of a community.

When the warrior realizes he is not alone
and taps into his resources he is strong – He
can move barriers in his way and
find ways around obstacles.

The warrior’s way is never alone. He has strength in numbers.
He has help from on high.

He is a part of life and life is a part of him.

To read more poetry click here.

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