Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Art of Letting Go (Mourning Unmet Needs)

By Kelly Rae Roberts. Check out
her site at
"Hold on to your anger and use it as compost for your garden." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Recently I was feeling very angry and resentful. I felt this way for a couple days. I have learned that when I judge others it only contributes to anger and resentment. Despite knowing this, I kept judging this particular person. By doing this I only added more drama to the story I was creating in my mind. I attached myself to ideas of unfairness, rudeness, disrespect, pride and selfishness. This person was all of these in my story.

I found it strange that something would bother me so much that I would choose to go down this path of misery. "I should know better," I thought. "I am a counselor."

Mourning Unmet Needs
Then I remembered that I needed to mourn my unmet needs. My needs for empathy, support, consideration, understanding, cooperation, consistency, respect and contribution were not met and they were not going to get met by this person. So I mourned. I said, "I am sad because my needs for empathy, support, consideration, understanding, cooperation, consistency, respect and contribution are not met. I am mourning these unmet needs." I repeated this a couple times.

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