Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feature Photo

PHOTO CAPTION: A yellow berried marmot. Marmots tend to live in mountainous areas. For info on Marmots and to see more photos click here. "Photo Courtesy"

Welcome to Harmony of the Heart! The blog where you can get your dose of inspiration for the week. Feel free to check out the inspirational stories, articles, poems, photos, great links and more! For those of you who are new, every once in a while we post the Feature Photo, a cool or beautiful photo for everyone to view. To view all of the other feature photos we have posted at Harmony of the Heart simply click here.

Also, if you are new to the site and want to learn more about us click here. You can also now subscribe to Harmony of the Heart at the bottom of the site.


Margaret said...

Thank you for your blog.
I will mention it to my students who will enjoy the uplifting articles.

Eddie Zacapa said...

Thanks for getting the word out.

Eddie said...

1st time visit your blog. find it meaningful.

sterndal said...

hi there!

thanks for sharing the post and the photo

i find it very interesting and would love to show it to my nephews
