Saturday, January 29, 2011

JJ Heller - What Love Really Means

This is a song about unconditional love by JJ Heller. Her husband Dave is in the video playing along. I thought I'd share it. Here is what some people are saying about the song:

"Listening to JJ Heller’s “What Love Really Means” brings me to tears! What a beautiful reminder that no matter where you find yourself in life, God loves you… Really loves you, no matter what you have done or failed to do, He is always there. What an amazing message to share with everyone who listens." - Scott Smith, K-LOVE Asst. Program Director/Music Director

"Every woman on the planet needs to hear this. You want to reflect the emotions and thoughts of our demo? This is THE song." - Theresa Ross, MD WCRJ/Jacksonville

"Wow...this song needs to come with a disclaimer! I wasn’t ready for how beautiful 'What Love Really Means' was going to be." - Sarah Taylor, MD KCMS/Seattle

"I was hoping I'd like JJ's next single as much as I did 'Your Hands', and I really do. Great follow up!" - Kat Taylor, MD KFIS/Portland


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