Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Grateful for Voting on Election Day

My sticker.
After I voted today I felt a good feeling inside. I had a spring in my step. Something was different.

As I went through the rest of my day I got curious as to what was contributing to this experience. I realized that I was satisfied because I had participated in a special tradition and important democratic process. I had done my part and contributed in my own way. I had used my special privilege, a privilege that not everyone in the world has access to at this time.

My needs for choice, equality, inclusion, to matter, to be heard and counted were met by voting. I was also excited and hopeful for what we as a people could create together.

I was informed on the issues and aware to a certain extent how the measures would affect me and others. By voting I was continuing an important tradition and supporting what I believe in at the same time. I was also advocating for my right to be recognized as a citizen and to have a voice in the election.

So that is why I had that spring in my step. I hope that you also had an opportunity to vote today and to be a part of tradition that we do well to not take for granted.

I am so grateful to be a part of a country that values democracy and all that it brings to this great nation.

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