Friday, November 16, 2012

Representing What is Sacred

PHOTO CAPTION: Photo Courtesy of Rumi Facebook page.

"Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place." ~ Rumi

Making a Difference
How we show up to meet life's challenges matters. Whether it is at work, at home, at church or in any arena of life our response makes a difference. It has a ripple effect on others that we may never see. I have had many occasions were I have received an email from someone many years later who is expressing gratitude for something that I did (that I thought was insignificant). For them it had great significance and changed their life in some way.

Practicing What We Preach
What we say or do (or even what we do not do) has an impact. For this reason, I hope that I can represent love, kindness, peace, integrity and care for others in all I do. These are my core values and I want them to be embodied in my life.

Serving Life
At the end of the day I want to be able to know that my actions have served life. That I contributed in some way to enriching life in the world rather than not doing so. If I fall short of that I simply want to learn from this and hold myself with tenderness and grace. A compassionate nudge forward with a correction is all I need when this occurs. 

For this reason I am making a commitment to represent, to the best of my ability, all that I value in whatever space I place my feet on. For when I do this the space becomes sacred because I bring to it what is sacred to me. If you would like to join me in making this commitment there is a pledge below.

"I commit to represent to the best of my ability what I value most in whatever space I walk. For when I do, that space becomes a sacred space. By doing this I will live in alignment with my core values."

Related Articles:
Serving Life 

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