Monday, June 15, 2009

How To Find Love (Healthy Relationships)

Look Before You Fall Helplessly In Love

Cindy has had a crush on the 6-foot-1-inch hunk with dark brown hair and green eyes in her Chemistry class since the beginning of the semester. Her heart beats so fast every time she makes eye contact with him that she feels like she has to hold on to it or it might pop out.

And then one day the inconceivable happened.

All of a sudden, out of the blue, Powell walked up to her after class and pulled out a pink rose from his backpack. He gently looked into her eyes with his dark green eyes and asked her, "Do you want to study Chemistry together?"

Cindy stood frozen, in a daze, her heart melting. Then seconds later she responded, "Sure," with a whimper. After waving good-bye to Mr. Wonderful, she walked home and thought to herself, "This is the right guy, he's the one."

A couple of weeks later and a couple of study nights with Powell, she was walking on a cloud. And when Powell, her new boyfriend, asked her to go to Carmel and spend the night with him she figured it was love. Yes, love.

So she packed her bags and went.

To find out what happens and read the entire article click here.
CAPTION: Photo by Gisela Giardino. This photo is under a Creative Commons license.


Anonymous said...

omg.... i totally needed this i just got out of a really bad relationship that lasted over a year and i'm looking for a change. I also think i need help emotionally too though.

Eddie Zacapa said...

Tinkerbella Rose ... I am glad to hear that this post resonated with you. Thanks for the comment. You may want to check out this other post on dealing with emotional pain. The link is: